About this Plan

Norfolk Homes is proud to be a primary builder in the 100 Homes Program in Jackson, Michigan. The City of Jackson 100 Homes Program aims to construct 100 new houses in the City of Jackson, utilizing vacant City-owned residential lots. All homes will be sold to qualified buyers earning 120% of the Area Median Income (also know as AMI). Residents and current non-residents can purchase these homes with a traditional mortgage, and all homes must be owner occupied. Homes in the Jackson 100 program are $175,000. The city of Jackson will provide $25,000 in down payment assistance per home. Applicants are also encouraged to apply for an additional $10,000 of down payment assistance through Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). All Applications must be completed using the City of Jacksons online portal, which can be found on the City of Jackson's website.

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Yes! I want more information on my dream home.

The Liberty For The Jackson 100 Program

It was great meeting with the two of you the other day. We had a blast picking out our options and are really excited to move forward on our home.

Byran & Rebecca